And I don’t like change.
The aisles, which once ran parallel to one another, are all golly-gonkers. Some run north and south. Others run east and west.
The kitchen utensils, which were once smack-dab in the middle of the store are now in the front. And the school supplies? Next to automotive.
Of course. Isn’t that where you would put the school supplies?
But there is one thing they haven’t changed.
The eggs.

Think about it. A dairy product is a product that is made from milk.
There is no milk in an egg. An egg is liquid chicken. And chickens don’t even produce milk. Shouldn’t eggs be stored with the poultry?
But it never fails. Every time I go to the grocery store, there are the eggs. Right in the middle of the dairy section.
I’m thinking of writing up a petition, urging the grocery store people to store things in more sensible categories. School supplies near the office supplies. Eggs with poultry. Milk with beef.
But then, would the leather products need to be stored near the beef as well? And would that mean pencils – made from wood - would be sold in the plant section?
Hmmmm . . . maybe we’d better leave the eggs where they are.
It’s funny how we often resist change. After all, isn’t life just a series of one change after another? We grow. We learn. We move. You’d think we’d be used to change. But many people would rather stay in their same old routines, even if those routines aren’t good for them. Even if change brings improvements.
I should know. I’m one of those people.
Though change can be uncomfortable for a season, it is often necessary to make our lives better. Richer. More productive. And let’s face it. Most things in life are going to change anyway, whether we like it or not. We might as well make the most of the changes we face, and enjoy the ride. Fighting and resisting usually results in nothing more than a bad mood.
Though this world is filled with transitions and replacements, there are a few things we can count on. In the midst of changing grocery stores and changing lives, we can take comfort in knowing that some things will always stay the same. Things like the beauty of a sunrise, and the peace of a snow-capped mountain, and God’s love for us.
And even the eggs being stored in the dairy department.
Psalm 52:8 “I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.”
Great post. Given people are going to be hit with changes left right and centre, God's love for us and ours for him wil become increasingly important to people. It may be a good thing.
I love change but in the supermarket I hate it. Simply because I want to be in and out of there as quickly as possible.
Good luck negotiating the aisles.
Thanks, Lilly! I'm with you. I want to be in and out of the supermarket ASAP. :-)
Renae, this is the first time I've ever heard an egg described as liquid chicken :) You're hilarious!
(I'm not big on change either!)
Thanks, Cheryl. I think. ;-)
Actually, the credit for that phrase goes to my dear hubby.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Hi Betty! Glad you stopped by. I'm glad you've been enjoying Coffee Talk.
Much like your post, I'm not someone who likes changes. It wasn't long ago that my grocery store changed too. It threw a couple of curve balls with the aisles - literally making the aisle into CURVED rows and I thought, "Now, that's just plain foolish!"
I'm trying to make appreciation of changes. Getting married is a big one and well worth it. It's a happy change. Hopefully I can keep your post in mind for the changes I'm not wanting to adjust to, as life is never finished.
Hi Aleta! I'm so happy for you about your recent BIG Change! A marriage is certainly one of the more blessed changes in life. I will pray that the blessed feeling continues for both of you forever. :-)
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